We all belong to families: As a parent, sibling, child and so on. Families are God’s gift to us but if we are honest, being part of a family can be tough as well!
How do we live in such a way that God’s love and redeeming grace can be the foundation of all our family relationships?
At Penang Trinity, we pray that we can discover and learn how to build strong families with the love of Christ.
What We Will Do
- Provide family-focused seminars and courses
- Organize family-related support groups where there are needs
- Emphasize on pre-marital, marriage and parenting courses
How You Can Respond
- Start family devotions and prayer times
- Participate in family-related surveys and profiling
- Step forward to serve or participate in family related support groups
Signs of Growth
- At least 1 active family-related support group in addition to Small Groups
- Regular family devotion and prayer times
- Growth in family related ministries. Greater awareness and interest in addressing family-related issues