The Prophetic Voice of The Believer


Register by this Sunday with the Church Office +60 4 8287 445 or Email 

Day 1 – Friday September 2, 2016

08:00 pm Registration
08:15 pm Opening Prayer and Worship
08:30 pm Keynote Session 1: The Critical Importance of Revelation – with Rev Barnabas Chong
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ amidst many challenges?
09:30 pm End of Session, Prayer Ministry


Day 2 – Saturday September 3, 2016

09:15 am Opening Prayer and Worship
09:30 am Keynote Session 2: Walking in the Supernatural – with Rev Barnabas Chong
You can make a difference – there is more to the believer’s walk than the usual daily grind
10:30 am Morning Tea Break
11:00 am Keynote Session 3: I Have a Destiny – with Rev Barnabas Chong
How should a believer really function in the various spheres of life?
12:00 pm Lunch
01:15 pm Workshop Track 1: God’s passion for young people today – with Rev Barnabas Chong
Special session for youth and young adults (up to 25 years) 
Workshop Track 2: Spiritual Disciplines for the Workplace & Home – with Rev Yong Wai Yin
02:15 pm Afternoon Tea
03:00 pm Keynote Session 4: Spiritual Rhythms in Being a Prophetic Voice – with Rev Yong Wai Yin


Day 3 – Sunday September 4, 2016

10:00 am 59th Anniversary Combined Worship Service – with Rev Barnabas Chong

About Rev Barnabas
Rev Barnabas Chong is an ordained minister in TRAC Singapore, currently serving in Christ Methodist Church as a member of the pastoral team. His focus is in outreach & healing ministry and mobilizing the church to be a witness and to live out God’s destiny for their lives. His passion is to see the renewal and revival of the church, and transformation of lives. He is also the Chairman of TRAC Healing Ministry, an initiative started in 2014, to train healing ministers and also provide them with opportunities to pray for the sick. Prior to entering into full-time pastoral ministry, Pastor Barnabas was trained in accounting and worked briefly as an auditor in Ernst & Young Singapore.

About Rev (Ms) Yong Wai Yin
Rev Yong Wai Yin was an accountant before she became a Methodist Minister. She received her M.Div (STM) and is currently serving as the Pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, Penang. Pastor Yong’s passion is to help believers experience renewal and transformation through means of spiritual formation and the cultivation of the inner life with God. She was one of the facilitators of TRAC Institute for Christian Ministry (ICM)’s Life Giving Tools (LGT) Series in 2014. In addition to her pulpit and pastoral ministry work, Pastor Yong is currently conducting The Good & Beautiful Series of studies in Penang Trinity with various groups.

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