Being Disciples of the Spirit-filled Messiah


The 60th Year: Inheriting a Double Portion
As we enter 2017, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness in establishing and seeing us through as a church for the past 60 years. It is perhaps not a coincidence that we share the same year of founding as our nation, and as such, we must be a people attuned to God’s vision and plans for our community and nation.
This year, we want to pray and ask God for a double portion of His anointing for us to carry out the work of Gospel. For that to happen, we must remind ourselves of the call of discipleship and the need to be Spirit-filled in our life of faith. To this end, we will have an integrated preaching and discussion guide series to facilitate our journey of faith together as a community.


A Journey of Faith Together: Preaching Series and Discussion Guide
This year, we will look at the Gospel of Luke, and some portions of Acts, to gain deeper insights into what it means to be disciples of the Spirit-Filled Messiah (messiah literally means ‘anointed’). The role of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, is greatly emphasized in Luke. The early church in Acts, is founded and driven by that same Spirit to carry onwards the task of the Gospel.


Luke is also keenly inspired to show how Jesus healed and reached out in the power of the Spirit to touch the lost, the last and the least as part of His Kingdom work. This must bring powerful resonances to our present-day Malaysian church as we grapple with what the Kingdom of God means amid the social-economic and political life of our country.


Fulfillment, Preparation & Anointing: Luke 1-4


Main Theme: Just as God fulfilled His promises to His People by sending Jesus the Messiah, God is still fulfilling His Promises to redeem the whole world through Jesus.


Key Reflection & Response:
How is God preparing us as individuals and as a church for the work of the Gospel?
What is it about the life of our church that God is using to prepare those around us to encounter Jesus?


Week 1 – January 01, 2017

Week 2 – January 08, 2017

Week 3 – January 15, 2017

Week 4 – January 22, 2017

Week 5 – January 29, 2017

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One comment

  • Nawi January 29, 2018   Reply →

    I was blessed in Trinity Methodiat Church Penang on 7 January ago…
    In the 5 PM service the reading bible from genesis 1.

    I wish i can remind most of the sermon…but i cant…i wish can get the outline…thanks

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