Session 6: Chaos in Worship – Part 2
1 Cor 11-16Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong
in 1Corinthians
Session 6: Chaos in Worship – Part 2
1 Cor 11-16Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong
Session 5: Chaos in Worship – Part 1
1 Cor 11-16Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong
Session 4: Lifestyle: “I refuse to give up my rights”1 Cor 8-10 Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong
Session 3: Lifestyle: Sexual immorality and court casesRev Dr Lim Kar Yong Paul devotes four chapters in 1 Corinthians addressing the issue of disunity in the church.
Session 2: DisunityRev Dr Lim Kar Yong Paul devotes four chapters in 1 Corinthians addressing the issue of disunity in the church.
Session 1: The City of CorinthRev Dr Lim Kar Yong Paul’s founding mission in Corinth is recorded in Acts 18:1-18. According to Acts 18:11, he stayed there for a period of a year and a half. We can assume that during this period, Paul would have instructed the Corinthians believers in this new-found faith in Jesus the Messiah.