Spirit-Driven MissionsActs 8:4-31 | Mr Tan Chong Jin |
Spirit-Driven MissionsActs 8:4-31 | Mr Tan Chong Jin |
The Cost Matches the ValueActs 5:17-42 | Rev Shearn Sya |
I Knew YouJeremiah 1:4-10 | Dr Chong Siaw Fung |
The Church As IntendedActs 4:32-35 | Rev Shearn Sya |
Authority and PowerActs 3:1-16 & 4:1-10 | Mr Tan Chong Jin |
The Spirit Activates the ChurchActs 2:1-21, 37-41 | Rev Shearn Sya |
When Sight Became FaithActs 1:1-11 | Rev Shearn Sya |
CommunityMark 3:14-15 | Rev Jonathan Chan |
The End of the Beginning1 Samuel 31:1-13 | Dr Khoo Cheok Kau |
Finding Strength in the Lord1 Samuel 30:1-25 | Mr Tan Chong Jin |