The Church cannot be an inward-looking community. Rather as a Church we must fulfill the call of Christ for us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world

We must voice out as enabled by God what He desires to see in terms of social justice, social welfare and human rights

As part of Penang Trinity, we must be conversant and be aware of issues affecting our neighborhoods and nation – and then act as God leads so that our witness is not silent


What We Will Do 

  • Focus on Education as a key area that Penang Trinity can contribute towards
  • Relationship building with schools around us and focus on programs that benefit students (For e.g. the Reading Program, Abstinence-based programs)
  • Engage in regular dialogue and conversations with the Local State Assemblymen, Members of Parliament or Local Government


How You can Respond

  • Explore starting or participating in school outreach activities
  • Volunteer at the Youth Hangout Center at The Solid Rock
  • Encourage “Teaching as a Career”


Signs of Growth

  • Sustainable outreach programs with more schools
  • Increased participation in education-related initiatives at TRAC, State and National Level
  • Participation at Local Government Initiatives