
At the close of 2013, we observed a week of fasting and prayer leading to the church planning retreat, to seek the Lord’s plans for 2014. On the last day of “Vision Week”, we asked some of our leaders how they saw the church as God leads us over the next four years.


A core theme that emerged was becoming a “Spirit-filled Impactful Church”.


Our journey began this year with greater emphasis on Discipleship, starting with the Leaders, Small Group Leaders.
This was followed by studies ranging from topics like “Counselling” to “No Apologies”, “Prayer” to “The Alpha Course”.


Penang Trinity wants to make an impact in these four areas:

Lifelong Discipleship, Wholesome Families, A Voice to the Nation and A Vision for the World.

Although these areas will be implemented together, we will have emphasis on one area each year beginning 2014.


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